Carl S. Armato
President and Chief Executive Officer
Novant Health
Carl S. Armato is president and chief executive officer of Novant Health. He joined Novant Health in in1998 as vice president of finance and operations for physician divisions in both Charlotte and Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Armato has also served as senior vice president of materials management and logistics for Novant Health.
In 2003, Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center appointed Armato as
chief operating officer and later promoted him to president and CEO in January 2004. He became President of Novant Health Markets in 2008 and chief operating officer of the system in 2011. The board of trustees appointed him to his current position in January 2012.
He is a certified public accountant licensed in Louisiana, by the State Board of CPAs of Louisiana and in North Carolina, by the North Carolina State Board of Certified Public Accountant Examiners. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants, and the Healthcare Financial Management Association.
Armato serves on the Vizient Inc. Board of Directors as well as the Vizient Inc. Audit and Finance Committee, the American Heart Association Southeast Board of Directors, the Charlotte Executive Leadership Council, the American Hospital Association Committee on Health Care Strategy and
Innovation, and the JDRF North Carolina Executive Council, where he is a founding member.
His past service includes work with the North Carolina Chamber of Commerce, the American Hospital Association Governing Council, the Wall Street Journal CEO Council, Knights of Columbus, Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education, and the Friends of Scouting.